Aunque ahora, por lo que vemos en este gobierno y lo que vimos en el de Fujimori, parecería que no hay relación entre lo ético y la política; es un mandato e imperativo de la gente decente, de aquella que sí cree que es posible que lo uno y lo otro vayan de la mano; que toda esta porquería se acabe YA!!. Uno de los caminos más rápidos y que dará un respiro de tranquilidad y desahogará a la ciudadanía harta, hastiada, asqueada de todo esto que se pretende tapar con excusas y explicaciones estúpidas, es el ADELANTAR LAS ELECCIONES GENERALES.
El adelanto de las elecciones generales, será una necesaria válvula de escape que deberá impedir que la ciudadanía manifieste su indignación con otras formas a todas luces previsibles: desde la movilización democrática exacerbada (como la de octubre del 98 en Iquitos, preludio de la caída del fujimontesinismo) hasta la violencia subversiva, alentada por remanentes terroristas al acecho de oportunidades como esta. Y este gobierno neo fascista, está listo y deseoso para hacer enfrentar a los policías y las fuerzas armadas contra los ciudadanos civiles que se opongan a los actos denigrantes de corrupción imperantes y vergonzosos.
Es el momento para que los congresistas decentes -que los hay, estoy seguro-, en conjunto y coordinadamente con los representantes de la sociedad civil, activen los mecanismos democráticos para relevar de sus cargos a los delincuentes que ahora nos están gobernando. Es un IMPERATIVO ÉTICO Y POLÍTICO, para la convivencia pacífica y la buena salud del Perú.
(*) Publicado originalmente el 7 de octubre de 2008 en este blog.
Although now, so we see in this government and what we saw in the case of Fujimori, it would seem that there is no relationship between the ethical and political mandate and is an imperative of decent people, those who believe that it is possible that This one and the other goes hand in hand, that all this crap is over NOW!. One of the fastest tracks, and that will give a respite of calm and relieve the citizenry tired, tired, disgusted by all this it is intended to cover up with excuses and explanations stupid, is the advancement general elections. The mechanisms and causes are poorly made in this Constitution, but that it will serve to rescue the Peruvian collar criminals, tie and uniform. The first is disqualified Alan García, on the themes of his concern that the disabling mental health to continue ruling Peru, followed by members of the cabinet who, with abuse of legislative powers granted by the displeasure and subordinate current Congress, has issued legislative decrees totally detrimental to national interests like labor rights, citizens, indigenous and community, and what is vox populi, the countless cases of corruption in all its facets and forms.
The advancement of the general election will be a necessary safety valve that should prevent the public express their indignation with other forms that are clearly foreseeable from the democratic mobilization exacerbated (as of October 98 in Iquitos, the prelude to the fall of fujimontesinismo) up subversive violence, spurred on by terrorist remnants on the lookout for opportunities like this. And this neo-fascist government, is ready and willing to confront the police and armed forces against civilians who are opposed to acts of corruption prevailing degrading and shameful.
It is time for Congressmen decent-there are, I am sure, together and in coordination with the representatives of civil society, democratic mechanisms activated to take over their positions to the criminals that we are now ruling. It is an ethical and political imperative for peaceful coexistence and good health in Peru.
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